​ONLY Pay For Leads

After They're Delivered

No Risky Retainers.

​We help ROOFING COMPANIES keep their crews busy with an exclusive ZERO RISK pay-for-performance program proven to keep the calls coming. Generate new sales opportunities within 4 weeks – Guaranteed!

Are traditional marketing methods NOT giving you the leads you need?

We hear that a lot. You're doing ok, but you're not setting the roof on fire either. You've got referral jobs, and maybe some flyers on doorknobs or some lucky referral partnership you hope sticks with you. 

But despite the time, money, and resources you're pouring into traditional marketing, it seems like you're just keeping pace with the status quo.

Here are some of the all-too-common problems we rescue roofing companies from…

  • Your “Generalist Marketing” is costing you roofing customers.
  • Your marketing team seems clueless about the roofing industry.
  • Company handing over your account to the shaky hands of virtual assistants or freelancers.
  • You’re buying roofing leads from big name companies with no results?
  • Scattergun marketing not producing you more calls.
  • Competitors burying you on Google searches.

Does any of that sound familiar…?

Then it’s about time you took a new marketing approach specifically for ROOFERS!

Switch with Ease

Our Revolutionary Approach for Roofing Businesses!

Using our Roofer Domination Program™️ and our 20+ years of collective SEO experience, we help you dominate local searches and get you more leads, phone calls and sales. 


Think of it as your Done-For-You secret weapon. You’ll engage with U.S. marketers who truly comprehend the intricacies of the roofing industry.

And switching over is a breeze! The status quo is comfortable, but the real growth happens when you decide to break from it. Let the Roofer Domination Method™ help you surpass your local competitors and unlock new business growth.

The Domination Approach

On a high-level, RDM™ is about dominating a local Search Engine Results Page for your roofing services. Then we make the best impression for those leads to engage you. And finally, we design a system to convert those leads.

Giving you an amazing ROI that justifies our partnership, long-term.

The Roofer Domination Program™

The proven approach focuses on 3 core areas in your business to book you more roofing projects

Maximize Leads

We ensure that you're the first name that potential customers see when they're searching for roofing services in your area.

Book More Estimates

We build a high-performing, optimized, conversion-focused website that ranks at the top on Google and helps you book more estimates.

Sell More Roofing Jobs

We leverage sales and marketing automation + Done-For-You automation follow up and qualification to win more projects.

I had my doubts, having been let down by other marketing agencies. But their roofing marketing stood out with real results. They know what works in our industry.

Tom P.

Denver, CO

Al Silva


Hey, it's Al Silva here, and I totally get you.

SEO can be a bit of a minefield, right? You've had some nightmare experiences with other agencies, they've made big promises and then just handed you off to some offshore VA or freelancer. Worse still, they've had you chasing after keywords that don't bring in any real traffic or leads. Just vanity stuff that doesn't help your business one bit. We’re not that...​​

At Roofer Domination, we do things a bit different. We're all about putting your business first, giving you real value based on ROI. So, when you're with us, your SEO project is handled by our home-grown, US-based marketing pros. And it's not just them, our Operations and Strategists are involved too, making sure we're targeting high-intent traffic - that's the stuff that converts into sales and leads, not just the stuff that makes us look good. We're here to help your business soar, not just our ego!"

Our Mission

Making you the go-to roofing contractor for your community. Ultimately making you a household name.

Get Started

Discover, Understand, and Dominate in 3 easy steps!


Let’s Chat

Let's get to know each other, answer questions, discover the opportunity in your service area, and see if we’re a good fit. No obligation, not “salesy” talk, just good-old-fashion human interaction and support.


We Take Stock

If it fits, let's assess your current marketing efforts, review your custom Local Visibility audit, and show you our recommendation to hit your goals.


We Onboard & Dominate!

Ready to leap ahead of your competitors? Implement the Roofer Domination Program™ and watch your transformation unfold!

We're so confident about our Roofer Domination Program™

We offer a satisfaction guarantee.

If you're not seeing the results we promised within 90 days, we'll work for free until you do.

A Word About Marketing ROI for Roofers

The return can be pretty amazing. No fluff here.

Every home has a roof.
At some point they’ll need roofing services. Consumers will search online for a local roofer.

There are thousands of searches per day for roofing services.

The question is

Are you visible?

Roofing sales are a short sales cycle and roofing services are high ticket. As you know, a new roof can bill $30,000 plus.


Putting a few thousand dollars in a local SEO & Google Ads via our Roofing Domination Program can easily give you a return with 1 or 2 extra jobs per month!


We often see a return for our clients within the first 4 to 6 months in our program. After that, it’s all gross profit for your company.

What would it mean to be a household name in your service area?

Who Are Our

Services For?

Roofers truly dedicated to seeing their company grow, are the types of clients we attract.
Our services are high-end and deliver results. So, we look for roofers who also deliver high-quality work.
Take the first step to
double your leads and sales
by booking your FREE Roofer Domination Strategy Session today!
Become a Household Name in your Market

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